Jarv  Is Everywhere

about the site

the jarv

my favourite pics

more of my fave pics

pulpy ramblings

spring is here

message board


cocker quotes

encounters of the pulp kind

mis-shapen lyrics

jarvis--styling the pattern for life




[cool sites]

No I don't care if you go to other sites--- just as long as you save a piece for me... Oh yeah!
Click away, dahlings.. ;)

~Pulp sites~

::the official one::

::bar italia::


::acrylic afternoons::

::love scenes::

~other bands~


::the dears::


~misc. stuff~

::opal music::

::r&a music::

::record peddler::


::dunno mag::

::the warhol::

::so retro it hurts::

::digiarmorenergize!:: (stop laughing at me!)

::fashion assailants, look no further::

::mr.t vs escaflowne::